showing 5 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Dante's Inferno  Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2010 book deadengine demons did divinecomedy exoticweapons followinfootsteps hell hellscape judeochristianmythology militantprotagonist rating-esrb-m rescue satan scythes sourcematerial-epic Dante's Inferno tells an adapted story that focuses on delivering a blockbuster 3rd person action game experience while bringing Alighieri's depiction of Hell to the medium. Players assume the role of Dante, who descends into Hell after returning home to find his beloved Beatrice murdered, with Lucifer seducing her soul into the underworld. Dante sets out on a rescue mission to save Beatrice, but he soon realizes he is also in Hell to face his own demons and ultimately to redeem himself. Players take Dante through nine unique circles of Hell as mapped out and described by Alighieri: limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery. Each circle showcases its own distinct look, with demons, monsters, damned and geography that are crafted straight from the poem's vivid descriptions. To take down the demons of Hell, Dante is outfitted with two primary weapons: the Scythe he takes from Death and the Holy Cross given to him by Beatrice, which has spiritual powers that will help Dante collect souls and spells from the creatures he defeats on his journey. The game also features a deep upgrade system so gamers can customize their abilities to their specific gameplay style, something they'll need as Dante comes face to face with Hell's fiercest beasts and bosses. If successful, Dante will be able to tame certain beasts, exacting their will and turning Hell’s punishments back on itself. labelimagesubject
Darksiders  THQ;Konami (Vigil Games)2010 achillesheelfoes actionadventure aftertheend airdash alienearth alteredreality angelofdeath angels antiheroprotagonist apocalyptic autorun autosavepoints autumnal backtracking balance-theme blocking bonusbosses boomerangs bossbattles burrowers captives cave cemetery changinggoals chargers city collectibles colorcodednpcs colossi combomoves counselor counterattacks darksiders-series dashing deathworld demons difficulty dimensionaltravel dissolvingcorpses dodging doors doors-autoclosing download earth elevators endlessconflict endtime energyweapons environmentalpuzzle equipmentexperience fallimpact fasttravel finishingmoves flood flyingislands fmod fourhorsemen gianthumanoids giantmonsters giants giantshoulderpads giantspiders giantworms gliding gore grapplinghook gryphons hackandslash handguns havokphysics hellscape hud-dynamic hugeweapons humanoidprotagonist improvisedweapons inorganics insectoids interactivetriggers juggernauts jumping keys knockback ladders lostpowers macho magic magicaltechnology magneticshoulders medieval meleeweapons metroidvania midairjumping monkeybars monsters mythicfigure naga neutralmonsters nofalldamage northamerica obligation openended paradise pawn portals postapocalypse powerthrow quicktimeevent rage rating-esrb-m recurringopponent revenge rewardingvandalism riding robots ruins scaleform sciencefantasy screenshake scythes secrets sequelhook simulacrums singlesave sorcery souls splatter subway supermode supernaturalprotagonist swarmers sweepingstrikes swimming swords targetlock tasteofpower teleporters temple temporarycompanions thedestroyer thrownweapons timeskip traproom tunnels tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated undead underwaterdiving unlimitedammo upgradesystem walking wasteland waterjumping weaponexperience wellofsouls labelimageminimize
Jericho  Codemasters (MercurySteam Entertainment)2007 amalgams ancientenemy assaultrifles autosavepoints bloodmagic clergy controlswitch cooperation corridorshooter dark-limited earth equipment-predefined firearms firstpersonshooter fmod gloomy gore grotesque group handguns hellscape lamp lua magic meleeweapons monsters occult paranormal physx possession precisionrifles psychicpowers psychics quicktimeevent rating-esrb-m red rotaryguns ruins sciencefantasy secretconflict secretmission secretsociety separated serious slobbery sorcery specialagentprotagonist swords telescope titlementioned unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist labelimageminimize
The Darkness II  2K Games (Digital Extremes)2012 3ormoreplayers adv-intermediary adv-xpdistr aimmode controllablehelplessness darkness-theme difficulty firstpersonshooter gloomy gore grotesque healingfinishers healthdrops hellscape humor-toilet ironsights jumping lasso lefthanded lightdousing monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative rating-pegi-18 recap reload-manual splatter thedarkness titlementioned uvl-tiein walking xp-kills labelimageminimize
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion  2K Games (Bethesda Game Studios)2006 achillesheelfoes adv-static ancientenemy arcanepunk arena atlastmoment automap autosavepoints backstabbing ballistics beggars blackmarket blocking books bows bribing capacity-weight castle chargedattack chemistry cipherlang circadiancycle city clairvoyantpursuers containers corpselooting criminalactivity customclass dark-limited demonicinvasion demons demons-other devotees difficulty-charscaling dimensionalbreach dimensionalportals dimensionaltravel divinemenace elderscrolls elves enchanting enemyupgrade excavation factions falldamage fame fantasyworld felinoids fictionaluniverse fines forest gamebryoengine genderchoice ghosts goblins guild havokphysics headswapping hell hellscape home humanoidanimals imprisonment inbuilttraps indicator-poi inherentright inventory itemdurability jewelry jumping lamp lawenforcers limitedcapacity locationinfo lockpicking lockpicking-feedback magic mandateofheaven medieval meleeweapons monastery mountain multilingual necromancers neutralnpcs nochildren noheadbob nonlinear npcinventory npcschedules obsoletedassets openclassing openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld precursors privatemilitarycompanies protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face racechoice rats rodents roses-other ruins sauroids scavenging sciencefantasy serious sewers shields shopping shrine skeletons sorcery soundcues specialagentprotagonist specieschoice spelldesigning stamina statloss stealing stealth stealthmode subterranean summoning superalloy teleport temple titlementioned titularlocale trash trolls tutorial unarmedfighting undead unknownpast unnecessarykilling unvoicedprotagonist ursines vagrants waiting willowisps worldborder xboxclassics xp-literal zombies The fourth title in the best-selling Elder Scrolls series brings the RPG genre to new heights with its combination of freeform gameplay and cutting-edge graphics. Oblivion features a 3D engine that can render stunningly realistic environments, groundbreaking AI for all characters in the game, and the same open-ended gameplay style that has made The Elder Scrolls one of the most critically acclaimed franchises of all-time.

After the mysterious and untimely death of the Emperor, desperate factions vie for control of Tamriel's throne. With the empire ready to crumble, the gates of Oblivion open and demons march upon the land, laying waste to everything in their path. To turn the tide of darkness the player must find the lost heir to the throne and unravel the sinister plot that threatens to destroy all of Tamriel.


* Return of the Elder Scrolls. The sequel to the best-selling, role-playing game, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
* Live Another Life in Another World Gamers can create and play any character they can imagine, from the noble warrior to the sinister assassin to the wizened sorcerer.
* Next Generation Graphics Pixel-shader effects and high definition televisions are fully supported to create unprecedented visuals, including lifelike towns, dungeons and the most realistic forests ever created in a game.
* First Person Melee and Magic An all-new combat and magic system brings first person role-playing to a new level of intensity where you feel every blow.
* Radiant A Groundbreaking AI system gives Oblivion's characters full 24/7 schedules and the ability to make their own choices based on the world around them. Non-player characters eat, sleep and complete goals all on their own.
* Realistic Characters Features over 1,000 non-player characters who come to life like never before with facial animations, lip-synching and full speech. They even engage in unscripted conversations with each other.
* Open-Ended Game Play; Short Challenges The enormous world of Oblivion is open, allowing players to explore at their own pace. Players will encounter shorter challenges such as fighting bandits, mixing potions, and creating magic along the way to unraveling the main quest.